
HealthcarePapers 17(1) July 2017 : 34-37.doi:10.12927/hcpap.2017.25336

Front-Line Ownership – Necessary but not Sufficient

Brian Robson


In their paper, Gardam et al. (2017) set out a series of case studies exemplifying their conceptual construct of front-line ownership (FLO). While the construct of FLO has face validity, in this commentary I urge further consideration of the "conditions" under which FLO will flourish which go beyond the principles set out by the authors. I also challenge the positioning of "standardization" and offer reflections that position "standardization to allow mass customization" to achieve person-centred goals. Finally, I urge greater profile for co-production with users of services in the FLO concept and suggest that shared decision-making offers a natural home for FLO and co-production to come together.



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