Healthcare Policy
Vol. 9 Special Issue | Sociology Insights on Inequities in Health and Healthcare
Towards a Sociology of Health and Healthcare
Ivy L. Bourgeault, Cecilia Benoit and Louise Bouchard
The Pandemic Subject: Canadian Pandemic Plans and Communicating with the Public about an Influenza Pandemic
Laena Maunula
Territorial Translation of the National Health and Nutrition Program in Midi-Pyrénées, France
Jean-Charles Basson, Nadine Haschar-Noé and Ivan Theis
Linguistic Minorities in Canada and Health
Louise Bouchard and Martin Desmeules
Beyond ‘Run, Knit and Relax’: Can Health Promotion in Canada Advance the Social Determinants of Health Agenda?
Ted Schrecker
Adaptability of Physicians Offering Primary Care to the Poor: Social Competency Revisited
Christine Loignon and Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier
Standards and Stories: The Interactional Work of Informed Choice in Ontario Midwifery Care
Philippa Spoel, Pamela McKenzie, Susan James and Jessica Hobberlin
Home Healthcare and Family Responsibility: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Talk and Text
Laura M. Funk
Lifestyle as a Health Risk for Family Caregivers with Least Life Satisfaction, in Home-Based Post-Stroke Caring
Michéle Baumann and Barbara Bucki
Sharing Bodies: The Impact of the Biomedical Model of Pregnancy on Women’s Embodied Experiences of the Transition to Motherhood
Elena Neiterman
Comparing Approaches to Integrating Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Healthcare Professionals in Canada and the UK
Yvonne Leblanc, Ivy L. Bourgeault and Elena Neiterman
Exploring Stigma by Association among Front-Line Care Providers Serving Sex Workers
Rachel Phillips and Cecilia Benoit