Healthcare Quarterly
Vol. 13 Special Issue | Patient Safety Papers
Assessing and Responding in Real Time to Online Anti-vaccine Sentiment during a Flu Pandemic
Neil Seeman, Alton Ing and Carlos Rizo
Community Pharmacy Incident Reporting: A New Tool for Community Pharmacies in Canada
Certina Ho, Patricia Hung, Gary Lee and Medina Kadija
Identification of Medication Safety Indicators in Acute Care Settings for Public Reporting in Ontario
Roger Cheng, Lindsay Yoo, Certina Ho and Medina Kadija
National Analysis of Sepsis Hospitalizations and Factors Contributing to Sepsis In-Hospital Mortality in Canada
Liudmila Husak, Annette Marcuzzi, Jeremy Herring, Eugene Wen, Ling Yin, Dragos Daniel Capan and Geta...
Skin and Wound Care Excellence: Integrating Best-Practice Evidence
Karyn Popovich, Paula Tohm and Theresa Hurd
Methods to Assess the Safety of Health Information Systems
Elizabeth Borycki and Elizabeth Keay
Increasing the Safety of Healthcare Information Systems through Improved Procurement: Toward a Framework for Selection of Safe Healthcare Systems
Andre Kushniruk, Marie-Catherine Beuscart-Zéphir, Alexis Grzes, Elizabeth Borycki, Ludivine Watbled...
Challenges of Hand Hygiene in Healthcare: The Development of a Tool Kit to Create Supportive Processes and Environments
Anjum Chagpar, Carleene Banez, Raquel Lopez and Joseph A. Cafazzo
Case Study of Physician Leaders in Quality and Patient Safety, and the Development of a Physician Leadership Network
Chris Hayes, Vandad Yousefi, Tamara Wallington and Amir Ginzburg
Building Safer Systems through Critical Occurrence Reviews: Nine Years of Learning
Polly Stevens, Lynn Urmson, Janice Campbell and Rita Damignani
Aiming for Zero Preventable Deaths: Using Death Review to Improve Care and Reduce Harm
Rosanne Zimmerman, Sharon Pierson, Richard McLean, Sue Anne McAlpine, Carole Caron, Beth Morris and ...
Enhancing Patient Safety through Undergraduate Inter-professional Health Education
Anne Kearney, Tanis Adey, Mary Bursey, Lynn Cooze, Carla Dillon, Juanita Barrett, Pam King-Jesso and...
Using SBAR to Communicate Falls Risk and Management in Inter-professional Rehabilitation Teams
Angie Andreoli, Carol Fancott, Karima Velji, G. Ross Baker, Sherra Solway, Elaine Aimone and Gaétan...
Optimizing Physician Handover Through the Creation of a Comprehensive Minimum Data Set
Niraj K. Mistry, Alene Toulany, John F. Edmonds and Anne Matlow
Assessment of Safety Culture Maturity in a Hospital Setting
Madelyn P. Law, Rosanne Zimmerman, G. Ross Baker and Teresa Smith
Healthcare Culture and the Challenge of Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infections
Michael Gardam, Paige Reason and Liz Rykert
Dimensions of Patient Safety Culture in Family Practice
Luz Palacios-Derflingher, Maeve O'Beirne, Pam D. Sterling, Karen Zwicker, Brianne K. Harding and Ann...