Nursing Leadership
Vol. 23 No. 4 2010
Perspectives on Innovation and Practice
Leadership: Catalyst for Quality and Performance
Patricia Petryshen
Commentary on "Clinician Executives"
The Growing Health Leadership Gap: A Response from a Non-clinician Recovering CEO
Bill Tholl
Commentary on "Clinician Executives"
"Just Because a Nurse Is a Really Good Nurse Doesn't Mean She Will Be a Good Manager!"
Vickie Kaminski
Innovation in Leadership
The "Old Internationals": Canadian Nurses in an International Nursing Community
Jaime Lapeyre and Sioban Nelson
Nursing Research
A Delphi Approach to Developing a Core Competency Framework for Family Practice Registered Nurses in Ontario
Azadeh Moaveni, Anna Gallinaro, Lesley Gotlib Conn, Sheilagh Callahan, Melanie Hammond and Ivy Oanda...
Nursing Research
A Partnership Model Evolves from a Living Inventory of Engagement
Dianne McCormack, Dawn Marie Buck and Bonnie McGraw