Nursing Leadership
Vol. 25 No. 4 2012
Special Focus On Nursing Informatics
Innovation in Transformative Nursing Leadership: Nursing Informatics Competencies and Roles
Sally Remus and Margaret Ann Kennedy
Nursing Research
Process of Seeking Connectivity: Social Relations of Power between Staff Nurses and Nurse Managers
Sonia A. Udod
Nursing Research
Linking HOBIC Measures with Length of Stay and Alternate Levels of Care: Implications for Nurse Leaders in Their Efforts to Improve Patient Flow and Quality of Care
Lianne Jeffs, Depeng Jiang, Gail Wilson, Ella Ferris, Brenda Cardiff, Mary Lanceta, Peggy White and...
Nursing Research
Developing and Sustaining Leadership in Public Health Nursing: Findings from One British Columbia Health Authority
Leslie Mills, Sabrina T. Wong, Radhika Bhagat, Donna Quail, Kathy Triolet and Tannis Weber
Book Review
First Do Less Harm: Confronting the Inconvenient Problems of Patient Safety: Edited by Ross Koppel and Suzanne Gordon
Reviewed by Richard Wray