decision making
Invited Essay
Reflecting on Choosing Wisely Canada at Five Years: Accomplishments, Challenges and Opportunities for Reducing Overuse and Improving Quality
Karen Born, Tai Huynh and Wendy Levinson
Choosing Wisely in the Northwest Territories: A Case for Thinking Beyond the Test in Rural and Remote Northern Communities
Pooja Chugh and Suraiya Naidoo
Choosing Wisely: An Important Step in the Right Direction to Addressing Overuse of Health Services
Moriah E. Ellen and Michael G Wilson
De-implementation of Low-Value Care: Audit and Feedback Wisely
Noah M. Ivers and Laura Desveaux
Choosing Wisely Canada Must Do More Than Recommend Wise Choices
Alan J. Forster and Ashley Ryer
The Authors Respond
Overuse in Canada: A Complex Problem in a Complex Healthcare System
Karen Born, Wendy Levinson and Tai Huynh