effective teamwork
Quality Improvement
Case Study – Gaining Physician Involvement in Quality Improvement Initiatives: An Organizational Perspective
Lise Vaillancourt and Carolyne Mondoux
Nursing Research
Advancing Family Practice Nursing in Canada: An Environmental Scan of International Literature and National Efforts towards Competency Development
Julia Lukewich, Samantha Taylor, Marie-Eve Poitras and Ruth Martin-Misener
Digital Health
Accelerating Harmonization in Digital Health
Carolyn Moore, Laurie Werner, Amanda Puckett BenDor, Mike Bailey and Nighat Khan
Special Focus on Indigenous Nursing
Conceptualizing the Role of a Strategist for Outreach and Indigenous Engagement to Lead Recruitment and Retention of Indigenous Students
Lorna Butler, Lois Berry and Heather Exner-Pirot
Special Focus on Indigenous Nursing
Reshaping Policies to Achieve a Strategic Plan for Indigenous Engagement in Nursing Education
Lorna Butler, Heather Exner-Pirot and Lois Berry
Special Focus on Indigenous Nursing
Commentary: Indigenous Nursing – Learning from the Past to Strengthen the Future of Healthcare
Lea Bill and Leila Gillis
Nursing Research
Development and Validation of the LEADS Scale
Stephanie Gilbert and E. Kevin Kelloway
Nursing Research
LEADS Case Study: Partnering to Offer a Diabetes Management e-Learning Module to Nursing and Allied Health Staff
Heather Hunt-Smith and Mollie Butler
Quality Improvement
Code Grey: Stained Surgical Instruments and Their Impact on One Canadian Health Authority
Rob Kean, Ron Johnson and Michael Doyle
Global Partnerships
The Collaboration Challenge: Global Partnerships to Achieve Global Goals
Michael Bzdak