healthcare policy
Discussion and Debate
Commentary: Burning Platforms, Icebergs and Tipping Points – Canada Needs a Single Socially Accountable Healthcare System
Roger Strasser
Research Paper
Are Family Medicine Clinics Improving Access to Care through Organizational Changes Driven by Healthcare Reform?
Isabel Rodrigues and Marie Authier
Nursing Research
Embedding a Global Perspective into Canadian Nursing’s Policy Priorities: Observations from the International Council of Nurses’ 2021 Congress
Patrick Chiu, Angela Wignall, Susan M. Duncan and Nora Whyte
Health Services Policy Research: Uniquely Positioned to Drive Equitable System Transformation
Longwoods Publishing
Research Paper
Introduction – COVID-19 and Long-Term Care: What Have We Learned?
Raisa Deber, Mary Crea-Arsenio, Mélanie Lavoie-Tremblay and Andrea Baumann
Research Paper
COVID-19 Issues in Long-Term Care in Ontario: A Document Analysis
David Oldenburger, Andrea Baumann, Mary Crea-Arsenio, Raisa Deber and Vishwanath Baba
Research Paper
Rights versus Risks: The Impact of Isolation on Residents and Families in Long-Term Care
Andrea Baumann and Mary Crea-Arsenio
Invited Paper
Accelerating Health System Transformation through Research to Achieve the Quadruple Aim and Health Equity
Meghan McMahon, Jessica Nadigel, Erin Thompson, Nida Shahid, Bahar Kasaai, Johanne Richard and Rich...
The Value of and Need for Health Services and Policy Research that Focuses on Macro System-Level Challenges
Kimberlyn McGrail, Fiona Clement and Michael Law