The Home First philsophy - creating safe transitions for patients from acute care to home

Health Council of Canada

Abstract: The growing population of seniors across the province will continue to increase pressure on the health sector to provide health care at home, including community services to help seniors move from  hospital to home following acute treatment and programs to help residents remain safely at home for longer. We feel it acutely in our Mississauga Halton communities of South Etobicoke, Mississauga, Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills.  We experienced one of Ontario’s highest growth rates in population, a 12 per cent increase in population from 2006 to 2011.  The Mississauga Halton region is the second fastest growing population of seniors in Canada (projected 32.3 per cent increase in 75 to 84 year-olds and 71.1 per cent increase in seniors 85 and older, by 2013). 

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Video Runtime: 6:43