Family Caregivers

The Family Caregivers' Network is a not-for-profit society whose mission is to inform, support and educate on issues of concern to family caregivers. Family caregivers, as defined as unpaid family members and friends, are the backbone of the health care system. They are the people who provide a vital but often overlooked contribution to aging parents, ailing spouses, and other adults in need. Unfortunately, many family caregivers do not seek help until their own health is in peril. Stress and burnout are common among caregivers. We hope this video series will help people who are caring for others, self identify as a family caregiver, and get the help they need to stay healthy and available for their family members. If you know someone who is caring for an aging or ailing adult, we hope you'll either direct them to these short videos, or to our website You do not have to do this alone. Resources are available to help.


Video Runtime: 3:01