Innovation. Inspiration. Integration: Co-designing for Health and Wellbeing with Individuals and Communities

Eileen Dahl, Patient Partner, Dr. Toni Dedeu, Interim CEO and Director IFIC, Walter P. Wodchis, Professor, IHPME and Research Chair, IESIBE, Trillium Health Partners and Jodeme Goldhar, Executive Lead, Strategy and Innovation, The Change Foundation

Making integrated care a reality is one of the most important opportunities in front of us.   It is time to improve the experience and outcomes of care, value for money, and to fundamentally shift where and how care is accessed and provided.  In many ways, the opportunity in front of us is a universal movement for health system improvement. This session will include examples from around the world of integrated care applicability. We will interpret these examples to make them relevant to our national and provincial context, and showcase just how important it is to have patients and caregivers as partners in realizing the potential of integrated care.

Join this panel as they work to bring a community together to accelerate integrated care in anticipation of the first North American conference of the International Foundation for Integrated Care – when healthcare leaders, providers, policy makers, patients and caregivers from over 60 countries will descend on Toronto to learn, share and grow as a movement for improvement – which is now only a year away.

IFIC Canada supports the build to the 1st North American Conference on Integrated Care (#NACIC2020), to be held in Toronto, October 5th-7th 2020


CFHICIHIMedtronicHIROC, KPMG, NRC Health and Rotman       

Click here to see the Presentation Slides.

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management, Desautels Hall, 2nd Floor, 105 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

Video Runtime: 102:21